Event box

Hey UMN Veterans! Is the UMN campus not your primary place to get schoolwork done? Ever wondered how to avoid paying money for articles? Want to know how you can save time, parking money, and even avoid trips to campus? In this 45-minute workshop you will meet other veterans on campus, learn tips and tricks from military affiliated Libraries staff for doing research for papers and projects, accessing library materials, and getting help when you are off-campus.

The Libraries want you [to learn helpful tips and tricks to get the most out of our materials and services].

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
12:00pm - 12:45pm
Walter 320
Walter Library
Registration has closed.

To request a disability-related accommodation, please contact the instructor or Kate Peterson (katep@umn.edu, 612-626-3746) at least 48 hours in advance. We can also teach a custom workshop for your class, unit, department, lab, etc. Please contact Kate Peterson (katep@umn.edu, 612-626-3746).

Event organizer

Lacie McMillin